Best lumbar support pillow for chair, car, airplane, & couch
Starts at: $45.00
There is much to love with this lumbar support pillow. With the counter weight vs straps, it is easy to move from your office chair, to the car, to the couch, airplane, etc. Wherever you sit, this lumbar support pillow can go with you.
Because, most chronic back pain is localized in the lower lumbar region, the shape of the pillow is designed to engage your lumbar and keep you from a passive sitting (slouch) position that will put strain on your lower back and discs.

Active sitting expends a considerable amount of energy. After 30 minutes, you will know you are engaging those muscles. This is good! Those muscles are working.
The pillow size is 12” wide by 10” height x 2” thick at the widest point. It is made of a flexible polyether material. The attached strap with the counter weight is 27” long. It improves the shock resistance of the spine much better than air inflated cushions.