Business goal setting, Business reflection, and business focus to reach new heights in your business

As we enter 2019, it is time for my business goal setting. Armed with my weekly goal board & my brilliant life planner, I am ready! This year I am trying something new. I decided to pick two words to reflect what I want in 2019. My 2 words are Give & Grow. Give more office design ideas. Grow more in the skills I need to run a profitable business.
I was listening to the Rachel Hollis podcast with Brendon Burchard. The podcast had some nuggets of daily habits to change. My big take away was when creating goals to focus on learning skills. Yes, setting a numerical value can be a good thing. It can also be limiting. If I want to grow my website to 15,000 visitors a month, that can be a goal. However, where I really need to focus is on the skills to make that happen.
What are the skills I need to reach that goal? I would need to learn about SEO, website design, landing pages, etc. Focusing on the skills needed will get me to that goal, but also not limit me. One point Brendon makes is a goal can be limited to only what you know. If you focus on acquiring skills, you can push past your goal.
Rocketbook Everlast Review
My good friend, Craig, stopped by the showroom. As we were talking about about the new year and our goals, he mentioned his favorite gift. His mother purchased the smart notebook, Rocketbook Everlast for him & his niece. His niece is going to college. Craig was willing to do an off the cuff video review. For under $30 on Amazon, he has found the Rocketbook Everlast an efficient way to take notes without killing trees. What I love is the thought of taking meeting notes & quickly sharing with me team on Slack. BAM!
Business Reflection
As important as the business goal setting is the reflection of what worked and what didn’t work. 2018 was the year we moved to downtown Grandview. What definitely worked was collaborating with other businesses on Design Drive. We have enjoyed working with our neighbors are on projects.
Another big win was the repeat sales from past clients. It is always so flattering when past clients call and want you to work on new project.
What didn’t work, I still do not have a sign on building. I had planned a working kitchen…it isn’t completed. While I still have those items on the to-do list, there is only so much I can get done in a day.
Business Focus
Since I am in growing mode, I was searching for a business documentary to watch. Warren Buffet’s documentary was available. Bill Gates and Warren Buffet talk about their focus. How they were laser focused. They stayed in the lane they knew. Perhaps, focus will be my 2020 word!
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