Small Rewards Ideas – those small goals to get you to the big hairy goals

We love this quote, “Life is Like Soccer, You Need Goals!” To help get you there, we look at small rewards ideas. There is a whole theory on microproductivity and breaking big tasks into smaller tasks. When we created our goal board, we struggled to find inexpensive self rewards. I have the goal and reward of a screen porch add-on figured out. However, how do I break down that big goal into daily goals & rewards to get to the big carrot?
Small Rewards Ideas
- Happy Dance. Listening to a non-Disney song at my house is a rarity. I love it when I can pick the song & dance to the entire song to the absolute horror of the kiddos. I let the kiddos know that mom gets to pick the next song because she reached her daily goal. No changing the music via an Alexa request!
- Special dessert I love the cocoa batons from Trader Joes. These rolled chocolate wafers are delicious. The entire tin is less than $2 for 12 of them. I break one of the wafer sticks in half when I achieve my daily goal. And, when I really am proud of myself, I eat the whole stick.
- Fresh flowers There is something about fresh flowers that improve a mood. I put the flowers in a prominent location & to celebrate my success in achieving a goal that got them.
- Favorite drink from the local coffee shop or convenience store. I love a good chai. That creamy, milky texture just warms my insides. This a special treat that I don’t get very often.
- 20 Minutes to Read With young kiddos in the house, it is a rarity to sit by the fire & read. I love it when I have achieved a goal & reward myself with a blanket, hot tea, & 20 minutes of interrupted time to read.
Do you have small rewards ideas that work for you? Please share!
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